
Love and Agony

Love, we all have our own definition of love with a different approaches to it. But what we all have common in it is feeli…

That Phone Call

Life is going great, Having a good job. Not one of my dream job, But a job that can fulfill my dream, Life is going great. M…

Love and Lust | Agonizing Words

From may I come in to I'm cumming in, we both found love Playing with each-other all night Until I convert you in a dove…

FIRST LOVE | Agonizing Words

When I fell in love for the first time, It was such an amazing experience, I was madly in love with her, And she was attra…

That Old Me | Agonizing Words

In the midst of changing the world, I lost my soul while creating my life. Now when I look back to the time when I was still…

Keep Smiling | Agonizing Words

Sometimes when a relation ends  You often look back at him and Find him smiling with others so So just think that he was n…

Yours Forever | Agonizing Words

From unseen messages, And unanswered calls. One day you'll realize that There's someone dying just to be heard. Lo…

My Love (For You) - Agonizing Words

If dreams do come true Then all I want is you For my heart and my soul, Just you like my dream as a whole. Just wanna be wit…

December - Agonizing words

Life was going on amazingly good, As all dreams come to a happy ending. But life can never have happy beginning, With a ha…

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