Have you ever wondered that there used to be a person who was always there by your side, standing right next to you in every situation, and always there for you whenever you need someone. Yet now you don't even know about his whereabouts. How does it end up like this? That one best friend doesn't even know about each other now.
Well, this has happened many times yet we still don't learn from our mistakes as instead of going back to them and making efforts to keep them in contact we just move on with life. As we always believe that we will meet someone like them ahead in our life. Sometimes we may not think about this but still, we move on as time passes.
So how do we get to end up like this in the first place? To be frank we just take such things for granted when they're always present for us. As we didn't think of it much and don't give it that much importance which we should be giving them. And that's how it all begins. Not giving it a thought and just taking it for granted till we don't have them around us anymore just because of our ignorance as we know we always have their attention toward us and we don't have to put efforts to keep them in our life. And because of this, they get a feeling of being taken for granted which is true. That leads to a get apart from each other slowly but progressively.
Then comes a time when we say that "yeah we used to be best friends at some point of time in our life but now we rarely talk to each other". And they become the person that we used to know. Whom we truly understand but now are like a complete strangers.
"What you had was Gold,
What you'll find is only glitter.
What you wish for is a diamond,
That's the truth, & the life is bitter."