Trust, Love and Betrayal - Agonizing Words


"Betrayal is best served when love and trust are at their peak."

Have you ever wondered that in our life betrayal is something that everyone has faced at times when it was least expected? Why does it happen only when we think or we expect that this can't happen to us? Or at times when things were going smoothly in our lives then out of the sudden betrayal shows its presence, like wassup my man, or like hey you've been living a very fulfilled life, let's see how worse it can be, or when you're in a bad situation and the ones whom you trust too much are the one you can rely on, just leaves you like you were never there in their life.

Now, most of the readers can relate to this "Betrayal" thing as most of us have been through it. For me, it's a sweet yet sour punch of life hitting you hard to let you know the reality of your true self, what you're right now. And teaching you one of the most important lessons of your life i.e. expectations leads to disappointment, sometimes distrust, and one of the most important things is "Betrayal".

It all starts with knowing someone you find quite attractive or amusing or adorable. This can go on and on, then you get to know each other quite well or you get to know about them not necessarily everything but the things that they let you know about themselves. Then things go on quite smoothly for a period of time. Normal greetings change into an exchange of digits, and after that things escalate pretty well. Hi-hello turns into late-night chats and hours feel like seconds on voice calls, and random video calls become a tradition.

Then minutes of the meeting gradually move up to hours-long dates and we begin to think of them before ourselves. Their consent plays an important part in our decision-making process. Then comes the cycle of blocking and unblocking each other, love fights, getting annoyed by minor things, and love quarrels.

Then comes a time when you state yourselves as two bodies with a single soul. That's the best timing when you never even imagine being betrayed by your loved ones, and that's exactly when it happens. Reasons and causes can vary from each other's perspectives. But the truth is laid right in front of your eyes. Things that we can never imagine happening, did happen right at their worst timings.

Then the life cycle changes from the lovey-dovey ones to a totally opposite one. After-effects of betrayals start showing up in the person's behavior. The symptoms start with a state of shock, irritating behavior, and restlessness. Then as the time pass by bad turns to worse as loss and grief, morbid preoccupation, damaged self-esteem, self-doubting, anger, and hyper vigilance these type of behavior change takes place in the person. 

After all this, the person survives the trauma but is never the same person again. He'll smile again but it'll be never as bright as it was before, he'll become a happy person again but fear of betrayal will always be present in his heart, and he'll never be able to trust someone again with the confidence that he had before.

To someone who is yet to fall in love
"Of all your love for someone
Goes beyond its limits.
And you can only think of them.
And when the betrayal comes from them,
that shatters your self-esteem,
crushes your self-confidence,
And put you in the situation of self-doubt.
to overcome that you must learn,
How to love yourself when nobody else does."


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